Millions of Email addresses Verified Everyday
Our email verification platform is one of the most robust and all-inclusive on the market.
Email Verification tool
Simply type in a single email address or upload a bulk list and the system will work to verify the authenticity of your email addresses.
Find email addresses by domain
Find email addresses connected to any domain name or web address.
Email finder
Use the full name and the website address of your prospect to find their email address.
Reverse lookup
Verify phone numbers and get location, operator, phone type etc in seconds.
We use the latest in data protection technology to ensure your information stays safe and secure
24/7 Support
We are here around the clock to provide you with the support you need to help you succeed.
Up to 95% Accurate
We constantly perform checks and tests to ensure the highest possible accuracy
Unbridled Data Cleaning
Checkr utilizes a multi-step process to email records around the world. Ensuring that your data is accurate.